I don't normally post tools that aren't free, but this one is pretty darn close. It's not free past one camera, but for my needs that's really all I wanted (at first until I started using it). If you want an extremely easy and feature rich security camera monitor, this is the one. I'm personally going to buy this one because it serves all my needs, works flawlessly and I've got more than one camera.
From the site:
vitamin d : features: "The ideal monitoring software for home and small businessVitamin D Video detects people and moving objects in video streams for security and monitoring purposes. It runs on a PC or Mac, and uses off-the-shelf USB webcams or network (IP) cameras.
For the first time, professional performance with real-time alerts is available to everyone."
Video clip rules
Detect people or unknown moving objects
Determine if an object is:
- Inside or outside a region
- Entering or exiting a region
- On top of a region
- Entering or exiting through a door
- Crossing a boundary
- Loitering
- Entering or exiting a region
- On top of a region
- Entering or exiting through a door
- Crossing a boundary
- Loitering
Send an email if a rule is triggered
Play a sound if a rule is triggered
All video is temporarily kept up to 48 hours whether or not any rules triggered recording

Search view
List of video clips with thumbnails
One-click filter for type of object or any rule
Display color-coded frames around people, objects, and rule regions
Video playback controls, with keyboard shortcuts
- Play and replay shortcut
- Previous and next frame
- +/- 2 seconds
- Previous and next clip
- Beginning and end of clip
- Markers for when objects appear
- Previous and next frame
- +/- 2 seconds
- Previous and next clip
- Beginning and end of clip
- Markers for when objects appear
Playback speeds: 1/2x, 1x, 2x, 3x
Video storage resolution: QVGA (Starter Edition), VGA
24-hour time bars showing video clips and temporary video
Export clips to standard video format (.mp4)
Delete clips

Monitor view
View live video of connected cameras (port forwarding required to process and view cameras on a different network)
Add, edit, remove cameras using a Camera Setup wizard
Manage rules for each camera
- Enable and disable rules
- Schedule rules to run at specified times or days
- One-click access to video clips recorded by that rule
- Schedule rules to run at specified times or days
- One-click access to video clips recorded by that rule