Saturday, February 13, 2010

What is Neat Chat

I gotta say this is one of the quickest ways to start a private chat between a few folks. I've tried it and used it on many occasions just to get a quick group together and have a quick conversation. It's simple, quick, and just plain works.

From the site:

What is Neat Chat: "What is Neat Chat?
Neat Chat is the easiest and fastest way to have an online conversation with a group of friends or colleagues. No signups or software installs are required. You simply use a web browser to communicate via Neat Chat.

What is so appealing about Neat Chat? The process of starting a chat session and inviting people is dead easy!

To start a chat session, all you need to do is go to our homepage, enter your nickname, and click the Start Group button. Once you do that, your chat session is started, and your browser loads the session's chat room. You then invite people by sending them the URL of the chat room. When your invitees access the URL, they enter the chat room to chat with you. It is as simple as that!

Neat Chat provides you a clean, fast, and robust chat room. You can share files, send private messages, and change your status through an intuitive interface. If you are late to a chat session, no problem! Neat Chat allows you to access all the conversations that took place in your absence.

Below is a screenshot of a Neat Chat session. And, by the way, did we mention Neat Chat is FREE?"

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