Friday, June 26, 2009


I've used Pricewatch and even spent a bazillion dollars to advertise way back when I had my computer store. I was always pleased with the service as a distributor but now find myself using them for regular consumer purchases. I've yet to have a bad experience with any of the vendors listed (but always be careful because they do have to pay a fee to be listed). Anyway, I saved a bunch today when looking for a memory upgrade for my daughter's notebook. Total price with free shipping was $14.98 (Normal Mail 5-7 days). Yea, fifteen bucks and the best price I got from Newegg was $48 plus shipping. I've never heard of the company I ordered from, but a very nice CSR called me on the phone within minutes to verify everything (they probably spent more on the phone call than profit on the memory). I'll let you know how everything goes but if they deliver what they promise, I'll probably be ordering more pieces/parts from them in the future. Note they are located in NY (which really doesn't mean anything) and I've had some bad experiences with online NY companies. Again, I'll keep you posted...Here's the quick info from the site:

Edit: Here's a bigger/better screen cap from the site which will give you a better idea of what they do/sell/provide:

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