Wednesday, June 24, 2009


ReferenceBot is a free online professional reference automation and collaboration tool. ReferenceBot acts as a reference escrow that mediates between the prospect, the employer and the reference, and at the same time builds a universal repository for professional referrals. This tool benefits everybody in the job hunting/marketing and hiring/subcontracting lifecycles:

It benefits companies hiring, outsourcing and subcontracting: it provides an online tool to help organize and automate the request for reference process for candidates. In addition, if they request references for a candidate that already exists in ReferenceBot, all the candidate references will be available right away for review, taking out the need to request references again and speeding up the selection process

It benefits job seekers, freelancers and marketing people: allowing them to collect and showcase references that they request by themselves, in addition to the references requested by their prospect employers, clients and purchasers, in a centralized place and mediated by ReferenceBot.

ReferenceBot will also suggest existing profiles to employers and clients looking for talent: if you have an account with ReferenceBot, and a company is looking for someone with your skills, ReferenceBot will suggest the match It benefits the professional or industry peer giving out the reference: they don't have to write references over and over again, they're just bothered once and their review will be stored in ReferenceBot forever. References will also have a rate for each review they make.

ReferenceBot utilizes proprietary methods to avoid impersonation of references and fake pumped-up reviews. ReferenceBot is written in Python/Django, hosted in Google App Engine, it is free to use and free of advertising.

ReferenceBot is the ultimate online professional referral and recommendation collaboration tool, create your account now, it's free.

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