Friday, July 3, 2009
How to uninstall the Adobe Flash Player plug-in and ActiveX control
- Download the Adobe Flash Player uninstaller:
- Windows: uninstall_flash_player.exe (205 KB) (updated 2/24/08)
- Mac OS X, version 10.3 and above: uninstall_flash_player_osx.dmg (243 KB) (updated 11/05/08)
- Mac OS X, version 10.2 and below: uninstall_flash_player_osx.dmg (1.3 MB) (updated 05/27/08)
- Mac OS 8.x, 9.x: uninstall_flash_player.hqx (33 KB)
- Windows: uninstall_flash_player.exe (205 KB) (updated 2/24/08)
- Save the file to your system, choosing a location where you can find it (for example, your desktop). Macintosh users may need to open or unstuff the .hqx file.
- Quit ALL running applications, including all Internet Explorer or other browser windows, AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, or other Messengers. Check the Windows system tray carefully to make certain no applications are still in memory which might possibly use Flash Player.
- Run the uninstaller. This will remove Adobe Flash Player from all browsers on the system.
Note: The uninstaller cannot remove files currently in use.
If you have any instances of the player open in your web browsers, instant messaging clients, stand-alone SWFs, or projectors, then the uninstaller will complete but some files may not be deleted. If this occurs, then close all of your applications and run the uninstaller again to ensure that all files are removed.
Note: Internet Explorer users may have to reboot to clear all uninstalled Flash Player ActiveX control files. If you're not certain, select the "Show Details" button in the Flash Player uninstaller. If there are any log lines that begin with "Delete on Reboot..." then you'll need to reboot BEFORE running the Flash Player installer again."
This tool has saved me countless hours, I highly recommend it...
Showcase and Share Your Trips! is the best place to showcase where you have traveled with maps, photos, videos and journals.
Your travel memories are precious
* Thousands of travelers are sharing their trips every day at TripNTale
* Use our free unlimited storage to back up your photos, videos and journals.
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Simply upload all your photos, videos and journals in batch and you'll get a free travel map and slideshow.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
This is WAY TOO new to really evaluate, but I wanted to pass it on. From what I can tell, it's another great idea that well, may or may not make it. As always, do your research before investing any anything, but again - this looks like a great idea. From the site:
About Us
Welcome to SharesPost. Here is an overview of who we are and what we've set out to do.
Just about everyone in the private equity industry recognizes that some fundamental problems jeopardize the prospects for the industry’s participants. Many limited partners need to liquidate substantial portions of their private equity holdings but can’t find an efficient way to do so. Venture capital firms are unable to show attractive ROI’s in large part because there is no liquidity on public exchanges into which even their strongest portfolio companies can exit. Founders who have built successful companies for over a decade find their entire net worth still locked up in a single, illiquid asset. Companies have no way to divest shareholders clamoring for a quick sale despite the companies’ great long term prospects. Regulators, in an effort to create greater transparency, have required funds to mark their assets to “market” but, given there actually is no real market, have left everyone scratching their heads.
The central deficiency giving rise to these dilemmas is the absence of an efficient secondaries market for private equity. If buyers and sellers could find each other efficiently and in volume then LP’s and venture funds could find buyers for their equity, founders could gain some measure of diversification and liquidity, companies could create a shareholder base united around a long term vision for growing the enterprise and regulators (and the rest of us) would finally see what price a willing buyer and willing seller would put on a company’s shares. As Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures said: “[t]he efforts of a few brave souls to create secondary markets for private company stock is going to lead to more data, more transparency, and more liquidity without having to register and do an IPO or sell your company.”
At SharesPost, we set out to solve these problems while complying with the letter and spirit of the securities laws and protecting the interests of companies, investors and entrepreneurs. It’s a big problem and it requires us to balance some competing interests, but we think we’ve done it. SharesPost is all about making private equity liquid.
SharesPost was founded by Greg Brogger in early 2009 with a small team from BrightHouse, the Santa Monica based incubator. Greg has been both a successful entrepreneur and a securities lawyer in the past and draws upon both of those experiences in the building of SharesPost. Our company was launched with the support of a community of distinguished entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, industry luminaries, securities lawyers and technologists. This larger group came together in part of course to build a successful and valuable company but also to rally around the bigger vision, to introduce a much needed liquidity solution for the private equity industry.
We welcome your input at SharesPost, so please tell us what you think – click here to email us.
STAY AWAY FROM (Insert ad here)
What you're going to end up with is a charge to your credit card or bank account for somewhere between $30 - $100 each and every month for something you never wanted in the first place. Please (super-please) read each and every bit of fine print before falling for such things.
Just a friendly reminder. Oh and by the way - when you read the ad for these things, notice how the person in the ad just happens to live in or near your city. You think that's a coincidence? Nope, just creative web programming. Ask your brother, sister, mom, uncle or whatever to type in the address of the ad and see where that lucky millionare person lives....yep, probably the same person (only local to them).
Again, just pass on this junk...
"What if you could access your personal computer at any time, from anywhere with an Internet connection - from work, vacation or the road?
With LogMeIn, you can access your personal information securely and transfer files on the fly.
You can use your personal computer as if you were sitting right in front of it and run the programs you use every day. You can play games, stay connected with friends and family, manage photos, check email, administer your personal finances, print and share files, even listen to music."
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Free Internet Access (kinda)
All Free ISP is the fastest way to find a cheap or free internet access service provider in your local area. With this comprehensive database of free isp local dialup access numbers, you can quickly find all free internet service providers in your local calling area throughout the USA and Canada. We also provide detailed information and ratings for each free isp to help you compare the free ISPs and select your new free internet access provider. Plus, All Free ISP now includes a selection of full-service, discount ISPs!
Finally, finding a discount / free ISP is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Spreadsheet Templates, Calculators, and Calendars
Vertex42™ is a leading provider of Excel templates, financial calculators, and calendars. We also host The Excel Nexus - The ultimate directory of 3rd-party Microsoft Excel® resources, including add-ins, templates, tutorials, and consulting services.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Kongregate - Total Time Waster, But Tons of Fun!
Search Engine Land
Do Stuff for Money
Linkedin - Relationships Matter
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus
FireFox RC3 Released
TextHog - Simple real-time expense tracking via text, email & twitter
"Meta" means beyond, more comprehensive, or more highly organized, and with respect to other dictionaries and glossaries, MetaGlossary is all these things. MetaGlossary harvests definitions from the entire web, the world's largest, constantly-updated repository of information. Hence, it surpasses traditional dictionaries, which grow more out of date with each passing day. MetaGlossary is as dynamic as the web, offering the most current information out there on the most contemporary topics.
However, unlike other search engines, MetaGlossary is able to precisely extract the meanings of terms and phrases from the often frustratingly unmanageable mass of information on the web. It provides you with concise, direct explanations for terms and phrases, not just endless links to sift through in search of a comprehensive definition.
What's more, MetaGlossary organizes these meanings based on topic and usage, so you'll find the one you're looking for quickly and easily. Since MetaGlossary spans the expanse of the web, even your most field-specific requests for terms, phrases, acronyms, technical jargon, and slang, will be successfully met.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Book Reviews Reviewed
- The Atlantic Monthly. Relatively few reviews, but good archive (including "classic" reviews) and other literary articles and interviews -- but nothing fully freely accessible.
- The Economist. Current articles accessible, good archive (but reviews only accessible to subscribers after a while), interesting selection of books.
- Kirkus Reviews. Except for a few featured reviews in every issue only accessible to subscribers.
- London Review of Books. Excellent articles, though relatively few from print version freely accessible.
- The New Republic. Good archive, interesting long reviews -- but now almost inaccessible except for subscribers.
- The New York Review of Books. Excellent clear, simple site design. Some articles from the current print version freely accessible.
- The New York Times. Great archive, much of which is freely accessible, but recent and current content generally registration-requiring.
- Salon. Reviews, and articles about books. Very good archive. New material now only fully accessible if you pay -- or endure an ad-show.
- The Spectator. Good review coverage and archive.
- TLS. The marvelous Times Literary Supplement -- an invaluable publication, but very little freely accessible on site. A great resource if you're willing to register and pay.
- The Washington Post. Good coverage, fairly benign registration (requires enabled cookies, but can submit invented user-data.)
Lowe's Landscape & Garden Planner
Use Lowe's Landscape and Garden Planner to help build the yard of your dreams. With our design tool, garden and landscape planning are as easy as clicking and dragging.
Microsoft Office 2010 + FREE Stuff!
Curculator - Online Currenty Conversion
What is Curculator?
They say the best products are made when people create something to solve their own problems. We have actually created Curculator for ourselves. Working with money and currencies every day, it was always the same boring routine - open the classic calculator software, add some numbers, then go to bank's web page, get rates, go back, multiply, divide, and then all over again. You know it already.
We have been looking for this kind of web software for a long time but there was nothing out there. Millions of people every day having the same problem, and still no solution. And yet it was so simple - putting the calculator and currency converter in one place. The only solution was to create it. Luckily, we are a web company so we knew how to do it.
Alice is here to help
Let’s face it; you can probably think of a thousand things you’d rather do than drive to the store again and again for toilet paper, toothpaste, trash bags and the dozens of other home essentials that keep your home running. We can too. That’s why we started Alice.
The Internet has changed the way we shop for things like books, clothing, shoes and electronics. We buy online for the convenience and the power we have to get product reviews, choose brands, see price comparisons, and make better choices.
But when it comes to home essentials, we still trudge off the store, load up the cart, and haul a trunk-load of stuff out the parking lot. Why? Because no one has come up with an efficient, cost-effective way to buy these goods online. Until now.
Scratch Household Shopping off the To-Do-List
Alice provides you a better way to manage all of your household essentials online. You tell Alice what you buy—choosing from great deals on 1000’s of products—and Alice goes to work. We organize all of your products, find coupons and deals for you, remind you when you might be running low, and help you order just the items you need so you can avoid that trip to the corner drugstore or the big-box store. And all this convenience comes direct to your door with free shipping included.
Get Big Box Savings & Free Shipping
Best of all, you won’t over pay for the power and convenience of Alice. In addition to free shipping on every order, you’ll find great prices too. That’s because Alice isn’t your average retailer. You order from Alice just like you would a retailer, but behind the scenes we work like a marketplace, allowing manufacturers to sell directly to you. This direct to consumer model eliminates the retail middleman, saving lots of costs that can be passed directly on to you. And in addition to saving you money, the Alice marketplace allows your favorite brands to have a direct relationship with you—to reward you, personalize things for you, and work smarter for you. It is a win-win that gives you fantastic convenience AND tangible savings.
Alice Isn’t a Person, She is a Team
Our team at Alice is made up of a talented group of people that are passionate about changing the way you shop for the goods that keep your home running. Our mission is to make your home run smarter, to give you extra time to spend on the important things in your life, and, of course, to make sure you never run out of toilet paper again.
The Alice co-founders, Brian Wiegand and Mark McGuire, have a spent their careers building customer-focused companies. Their formula is simple: use the web to disrupt existing business models and shift more power to end consumers. With a strong team in place, Alice is ready to shift the power back to you one trash bag, toothpaste tube and pack of diapers at a time.
After years of searching through Google results for recipes our founders decided that cooks around the world deserved a simple place to find any recipe, the result is RecipeBridge.
It benefits companies hiring, outsourcing and subcontracting: it provides an online tool to help organize and automate the request for reference process for candidates. In addition, if they request references for a candidate that already exists in ReferenceBot, all the candidate references will be available right away for review, taking out the need to request references again and speeding up the selection process
It benefits job seekers, freelancers and marketing people: allowing them to collect and showcase references that they request by themselves, in addition to the references requested by their prospect employers, clients and purchasers, in a centralized place and mediated by ReferenceBot.
ReferenceBot will also suggest existing profiles to employers and clients looking for talent: if you have an account with ReferenceBot, and a company is looking for someone with your skills, ReferenceBot will suggest the match It benefits the professional or industry peer giving out the reference: they don't have to write references over and over again, they're just bothered once and their review will be stored in ReferenceBot forever. References will also have a rate for each review they make.
ReferenceBot utilizes proprietary methods to avoid impersonation of references and fake pumped-up reviews. ReferenceBot is written in Python/Django, hosted in Google App Engine, it is free to use and free of advertising.
ReferenceBot is the ultimate online professional referral and recommendation collaboration tool, create your account now, it's free.
Wakerupper - Simple telephone reminders
Use Wakerupper to...
Set a wake-up call at a specific time Remind yourself of important events Remember to take medication on time Escape from a boring date or meeting Remind child or spouse to do chores Set reminders for tasks and follow-ups.
I use this tool all the time for reminders, not wake-up calls. If you use more than 10 per day, there is a .05 charge which you have to pre-pay. They do give you a $1.00 credit if you sign-up, but that's not necessary to use the site.
SellingBin - Turn your used stuff into cash
Paystr: Friends Pay Friends Online
"Collecting money online from friends, family and clients, should be as easy and secure as buying a book from Amazon and now it is.
Paystr is a 100% free, secure, online listing site to reliably collect money or pay a friend. Just imagine being able to collect money in advance and not spend your time worrying if you are going to be paid by everyone or paid at all.
Collecting money can be frustrating and difficult. Paystr eliminates the excuses and makes it easy for you. Take a moment and think how instead of hearing from people that they forgot to bring you a check or do not have any cash, now they can pay you online, at anytime, and you will be able to spend your time enjoying the party, event, game, gift or whatever it might be you were collecting for."
Microsoft Security Essentials (FKA Moro) now available, sort of.
Currently it's only available to folks in the United States, Israel and Brazil (Brazil?). You'll also need to have a verified Genuine version of Windows to install. If you meet all the requirements, be sure to uninstall any other Anti-Virus or Anti-Malware software you have currently.
I've been really happy with Avira Anti-Virus, Avast! and AVG in the past, but since I installed what was formerly known as Moro, I've been impressed. We'll have to wait and see how the Anti-Virus Experts out there evaluate it's actual detection capabilities.
A New Way to Enjoy Entertainment on your TV & PC
I've been playing around with Hulu Desktop for awhile and am glad to see Boxee ported to Windows. They both have good and bad points and since they both are relativly new, we'll just have to wait and see who comes out on top. I think it's all going to be a matter of personal preference when all said and done.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Pocket PC Central Windows Mobile Software Center
10 Minute Mail
Email Trace - Email Tracking
Very useful tool to track down the idiots out there...Somday I'm going to show up at the spammers door and ... um ... well, you know.
Free PDF Unlock Online Utility (Beta)
Had this happen a few times to me and this site saved my butt!
Who Called Me?
Nothing more to say, it's a great tool!
Web-based Project Intelligence?
Sign up is easy and fast, however, it's not something I would really use on a daily basis. Seems like a great product if you need this type of project tracking. Basic Tools are free and of course you gotta get off the checkbook to get all the goodies. Here's more form the site (I did have to adjust the 'engrish' a bit before posting this if that tells you anything)...
What do I need?
All you need is an Internet connection and a modern web browser with JavaScript turned on. Kontup officially supports Firefox 2.0 or later, Internet Explorer 6.0 or later, and Safari. Anyway we guarantee the best graphic look only on Firefox 2.0 or later. If you don't have it, we recommend you switch to it.
Where can i get additional help?
Kontup was designed such that a new user can be completely operational in just few minutes. If you need more help maybe we didn't do our job well. Anyway we are really pleased to support you anytime.
Can our IT department or ISP host Kontup?
Kontup is a web-based, hosted service. Anyway Kontup is available for purchase to install on your own servers, please contact us.
Will Kontup have an API interface?
An API interface is planned, but will not be available for the initial release. We have planned a tools that will help you browsing Kontup off-line. Please contact us for more information about it..
AllMusicFM - Start Building Your Playlist
FREE Online Invoicing that Keeps your Billing Organized!
I've used this for several years now and it blows away the competition (just do a google search and you'll see). It's free, no client limits, no printing limits, no limits period. It's also super easy to setup a merchant account to accept credit cards and virtual checks (no Paypal stuff, it's very secure).
down for everyone or just me?
Yea, I know...everyone else has already blogged about this. BUT, it's an important site to check your network before spending a bazillion hours re-running Malwarebytes, Spybot, Adaware, etc., just to find out it has absolutly nothing to do with you. Before twittering about the problems you're having, try this first.
Dragonfly by Autodesk
"I found this cool new Technology Preview for an online application by Autodesk. It's called Project Dragonfly, and you can explore home improvement ideas by easily creating your own personalized home designs without downloading anything. The best part is it's free!"
I actually have zero ability when it comes to design/drafting. This is a real gem however, because I was able to recreate my main Floor plan in less than an hour. I'm going to use this when doing "Wireless Heat-Maps" for my customers.
PDF to Excel
"Use PDF to Excel to quickly and easily create highly-editable XLS files, making it a cinch to re-use tables and spreadsheets from PDF files in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice, Google Docs, and WordPerfect Office. Best of all, it's entirely free!"
After playing around and setting up an account, it does work very well. I threw it a few "curve-balls" and with few exceptions, it performed great. Although it's not something I would use regularly, when the need arises, this is the place to go for ease of use.
Contenture - Micropayment Service
It's fully automated but you do have to pay a monthy fee (small, but important). Your site gets payments based on how often you visit. The folks put this together and I personally would like to see this make it in the real (interweb) world. Great idea, but there's a bunch of other players in this field.